In honour of this major news story, Annabel Crabb of the ABC's The Drum and one of the funniest, intelligent people I know has put together a very Christmassy tribute:
On the first day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; The love-notes of Berlusconi.
On the third day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Russian crooks, Cooking the books; And mobsters in the K-G-B.
On the fourth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Teams of Chinese hacks, Wearing black; Staging mass attacks, On the Dalai Lama's I-S-P.
On the fifth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Mark A-r-bib! Telling Yankee spies, Dreadful lies, So to apprise, Them of Kevin Rudd's control freak-e-ry.
On the sixth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Afghanistani, Corr-up-tion thrills! Fifty-two mill, Clean crisp bills, Straight from the till, To the plane of the former V-P.
On the seventh day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Hordes of White House hagglers, Trading Cuban stragglers, To poor count-ries! White House tete-a-tetes; Nice cheese plates, And such tempting rates - For a Guantanamo detain-ee.
On the eighth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Eight urine samples; Seven secret passwords; Six hidden cameras; Watched constant-ly! Four strands of hair, Three tin spoons, (used by Ban Ki-Moon) And sent back home to Hill-a-ry.
On the ninth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Two Swedish ladies, Not keen on tradies, Freaky Aussie bloke; Condom that broke; Cal-am-i-ty! Modes of undress; Who said yes? What a bloody mess. For the champion of demo-cra-cy.
On the tenth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Ten cables leaking; Kevin can't stop speaking; Yanks think he's foolish; Journos getting ghoulish; But Kevin's mulish: "I JUST DON'T CARE!" Just give Hill a ring; Bomb Beijing, That would be the thing, For our robust diplo-ma-cy.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me: A spot of tiger shooting, With Mr Putin, And Berlusconi, Lest he get lonely; Gordon Brown is lazy, North Korea crazy; Mer-kel's a BORE! Pakistan's a curse. It gets worse; There's a comely nurse, On the lap of Colonel Gaddafi.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, WikiLeaks gave to me; Twelve hackers hacking; Visa sent packing; Bankers are wailing; Not to mention Palin; Todd's banking details; Anyone in retail; Fears Wikileaks's, Ar-mies of geeks. Working from home; All alone, Using Daddy's phone, Looking forward to pu-ber-ty!
And to finish off, here's some fun Christmas-themed Wikileaks cartoons:
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